
SunMax tanning the safe way....

When we think of safe tanning, we should always keep in mind the types which do not lead to erythema and burns.
Importantly, the length of time spent tanning is customer specific. It is very important not to exceed the minimal erythema dosage (MED).  Exceeding the MED leads to the production of erythema, which should always be avoided.

Thus, the length of tanning sessions depends on several factors, including the type of tanning bed and lamps used as well as the person's skin type and their tolerance to sunburn. MED, or, skin sensitivity, to ultraviolet light varies on an individual basis.

The new "tannning standard" is mainly to reduce the level of UV radiation to 0.3W/m2, which allows much better control over tanning session times, and thus reduces the risk of exceeding the MED. By doing so, it is  possible to say that tanning at a salon is completely safe.



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